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How Can Hyperautomation Help In the
Data Cleansing Process Using A Data Centric-AI Approach?

Author : Jyothish
AIMLEAP Automation Works Startups | Digital | Innovation | Transformation

How Can Hyperautomation Help In the Data Cleansing Process Using A Data Centric-AI Approach?


Author : Jyothish

AIMLEAP Automation Works Startups | Digital | Innovation | Transformation

Gartner introduced the term “hyperautomation”. Automation technologies like RPA and process mining are used with machine learning and other cutting-edge technology to boost the amount of automation and digital transformation in businesses. According to Gartner’s Top 10 Strategic Technologies for 2020 and 2021, hyperautomation is more than just a new technology; it dictates a new kind of corporate growth since it takes a holistic approach to automation that introduces new possibilities into every business area. 

Companies providing data cleansing services are also employing hyperautomation for balancing data demands and moving towards a strategy of maintaining a high level of flexibility, efficiency, and scalability. Hyperautomation is helping data cleansing service providers and  businesses with large datasets to revamp their data cleansing process.

Hyperautomation & Data Cleansing

Facts are produced from data, but when it is contaminated, facts no longer remain facts. Data is collected in large amounts and in many formats. When you start examining data in its contaminated form, you make wrong decisions and it leaves you in a quagmire of confusion and disillusion.  

Over time, big data has become cluttered, duplicated, and harder to handle.

Experian reports that “On average, U.S. companies feel 32% of their data is erroneous, a 28% rise over the figure of 25% from the previous year.” 

So across all walks of business, data cleansing is immensely important. The main goal of data cleansing is to streamline, update, and organize already-existing records. 

A salesperson in the US is predicted to waste 27.3% of their total working time by managing dirty data.  

That is a significant amount of time that might be better spent actively pursuing leads and cultivating business connections. To save yourself from time wastage, you must employ hyperautomation for data cleansing. Hyperautomation provides companies with a framework for expanding on and optimizing automation 

Rather than referring to a single, out-of-the-box technology or solution, hyperautomation focuses on increasing intelligence and taking an extensive systems-based approach to extending automation activities. The approach emphasizes the significance of striking the right balance between automating manual data cleansing and improving accuracy. Consider employing the best data cleansing software with the power of AI to hyperautomate the data cleansing process. Businesses needing data cleansing can also outsource data cleansing services to save more time.

Difference Between Automation And Hyperautomation

The difference between automation and hyperautomation is hazy. The accomplishment of repeated tasks like data collection and cleansing without manual intervention is referred to as automation. It usually happens on a smaller scale, with tools developed to solve specific problems. Hyperautomation, on the other hand, refers to employing numerous automation techniques involving revolutionary technologies like AI and ML to allow intelligent automation.  

Automation and hyperautomation contribute to the widespread use of AI-powered automation platforms and automation technologies in the business and IT environment. Both terms allude to the use of automation to simplify operations via the use of modern technologies and upgrades. As a result, these solutions help to increase the quality of automated outcomes and customer interactions. 

Hyperautomation is a business-driven, systematic method to rapidly identify, validate, and automate as many business and IT activities as possible. Organizations trying to revolutionize their business, profit significantly from hyperautomation. It automates manual procedures and eliminates repeated tasks to optimize corporate processes. Hyperautomation also allows a company to accomplish activities like data cleansing with more consistency, precision, and speed while lowering expenses.

Get Hyperautomation In Motion

Hyperautomation will empower organizations to dramatically increase the efficiency and speed of the data cleansing process. This enables businesses to quickly transform data and application assets into reusable building blocks for creating digital-first experiences. 

Clean data holds paramount importance for businesses. Poor data quality invariably results in poor decision-making, poor market analysis, and the inability to forecast market trends. Organizations should invest in cutting-edge data management solutions for data cleansing, transformation, and integration. Using modern technologies to build a solution foundation of data cleansing is the best way to let hyperautomation take flight.  

Consider the assistance of the company that provides data cleansing services to add additional layers of advanced technologies to the data cleansing process. Technologies used in hyperautomation cultivate end-to-end automation in processes. The data cleansing service providers aim to tackle the complicated data cleansing process by integrating the best data cleansing software. Data cleansing software eliminates risks like errors that are associated with manual labor and human knowledge.

Key Benefits Of Hyperautomation In The Data Cleansing Process?

The hype around hyperautomation is real, and it can help your business stay ahead of the competition in today’s fast-paced, resource-constrained world. Companies that adopt hyperautomation technology for the data cleansing process can expect the following benefits –

Benefits Of Hyperautomation In The Data Cleansing Process

1. Increase Accuracy

Hyperautomation goes beyond automation by using technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Robotic Process Automation (RPA), which allow any difficult activity to be completed with ease and accuracy.  

Automating simple tasks like data cleansing with the help of advanced technologies can increase data accuracy on a practical level. 

In fact, with data hyperautomation, 90% of businesses have improved the quality and accuracy of their data.  

The process of automating data cleansing with a healthy infusion of AI is the core driver behind hyperautomation. Take the assistance of data cleansing service providers who implement hyperautomation to clean data and bring high accuracy. Delivering world-class data cleansing services, they add value to your large-scale enterprise database.

2. Achieve Process Optimization

Since hyperautomation is built on a few essential technologies, such as RPA, AI, process mining, process discovery, iBPMS, iPaaS, and low code, it helps a business achieve digital dominance through process optimization, integration, and automation. 

Hyperautomation provides a high-speed route to company transformation by automating more and more complicated tasks that rely on human knowledge input. Data cleansing, which is a repetitive and error-prone task, can be optimized with end-to-end hyperautomation technologies.  

The best data cleansing software that holds hyperautomation capabilities can enable a company to achieve optimization in the process of data quality improvement. One can also outsource data cleansing services to eliminate the hassle of cleansing data for instant consumption.

3. Automation Amplification

Companies delivering data cleansing services amplify their processes and business performance by implementing hyperautomation. It transforms business processes with automation assistance and helps companies complete complicated operations more quickly.  

By using a data cleansing tool with the ability of hyperautomation, you can also amplify automation and complete the process superfast. Data cleansing tools upskilled with AI intelligence create a team of virtual workers that take over this repetitive function and optimize it. 

Utilize all available technologies  to help you achieve more, learn more, and understand the actual impact of automation on your digital transformation.

4. Reduce Cost & Increase Agility

Companies looking for cost-cutting possibilities that simultaneously provide business agility have discovered their golden ticket in hyperautomation. Hyperautomation allows people and technologies to collaborate to automate anything from simple activities to complicated, long-running, end-to-end commercial processes.  

According to Gartner, companies will reduce operational expenses by 30% by 2024 by integrating hyperautomation technology. It also predicts that intelligent automation will eliminate up to 69% of managers’ burden by 2024. 

Hyperautomation technologies reduce the need to hire expert professionals and set up an infrastructure full of amenities for them. Organizations can optimize resource deployment by leveraging the advanced capabilities of hyperautomation, increasing revenue, enhancing agility, and lowering expenses. 

When it comes to reducing the cost and increasing the agility of the data cleansing process, choosing the best data cleansing software with the power of hyperautomation is the best decision. If you seek data cleansing services due to a lack of time and resources, ensure that the company has access to the latest technologies.

5. Better ROI

Hyperautomation can increase your ROI! 

With its integration into the data cleansing process, you have reliable, accessible, and meaningful data from which you collect insights and develop superior marketing and sales strategies. 

Furthermore, enhanced analytics provided by intelligent automation, AI, and ML can help in the identification of inefficiencies and bottlenecks in the business process. This allows you to get to the bottom of the problem, focus on preventing it, improve all processes, and steer your business on the right path.

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Challenges Associated With The Implementation Of Hyperautomation In Data Cleansing

Businesses can benefit significantly from hyperautomation by becoming more productive, agile, cost-efficient, and competitive. However, organizations may face challenges during the implementation of hyperautomation.

Challenges Of Hyperautomation In Data Cleansing

1. It Requires Strategic Implementation

Since hyperautomation is a systematic makeover of an organization – making several modifications to various systems in various ways – it must be done strategically to provide the most significant benefit. It also takes time to plan and implement hyperautomationyou’re implementing it in a long-term project – which is why strategic vision is required for success.

2. It Needs Expertise

A single process like data cleansing can be tactically automated, but hyperautomation requires top expertise to be implementedIt should come from executives who can understand what type of automation is needed and where in the organization it is necessary, as well as foresee how the jigsaw pieces will fit together to achieve maximum efficiency for the company.

3. Technical Obstacles Might Appear

Of course, there are technical obstacles to overcome when integrating diverse technologies with the data cleansing process. People frequently confuse extensively used RPA with hyperautomation. According to Gartner, RPA (as supported by AI and machine learning) functions as a hyperautomation enabler, allowing organizations to automate as many aspects of their operations as possible. So to achieve hyperautomation, you need the assistance of someone with rich knowledge of RPA, AI, and machine learning.  

To overcome these challenges, find the right service provider having access to the right resources who can strategize and plan the entire process. You can also implement the best data cleansing software with the power of hyperautomation in your data cleansing process. Companies that provide data cleansing services have access to the best tools and technologies that can quickly streamline your data cleansing process and bring accuracy.

Importance Of Data Cleansing For Data-Centric AI

The training data in machine learning comprises pictures, words, audio, video, and others. If the training data is inadequate, the resulting model and its optimization will also be poor. This will not just provide bad consumer experiences via AI-based chatbots but can be fatal in a biological algorithm. As a result, scientists are changing to a data-centric strategy in order to greatly advance AI. 

Data-centric AI is an approach to developing artificial intelligence that focuses on enhancing data rather than the model for more robust algorithms. The training data is viewed as a relatively fixed component in a data-centric approach to AI development, and the process of increasing model performance centers around experimenting with model topologies and parameters. 

A data-centric strategy focuses on enhancing data rather than model design to increase performance. This might include:

  • Data labels of exceptional quality 
  • Data collection that is thorough and representative 
  • reducing data bias 

As a result, companies aim to increase data quality while developing data-centric AI. A successful AI application does not rely merely on good data or a good model but rather on a well-designed model and high-quality data. 

Data cleansing is the crucial step before developing data-centric AI. Inaccurate and inadequately gathered datasets can lead to models learning incorrect data representations, decreasing their power. 

AI models trained on high-quality, structured, clean data can produce highly precise results. Data cleansing is, therefore, an essential part of data-centric AI.

Why Automate When You Can Hyperautomate?

According to the Mulesoft IT and Business Alignment Barometer, 93% of companies are already using automation or are considering automation projects to achieve their strategic goals

However, many companies are still scratching the surface when it comes to automating their digital company.  

Successfully use hyperautomation to transform the data cleansing process in your business. It will prepare your business to be more agile and resilient – and, ultimately, more thriving. 

Get assistance from a company that provides data cleansing services to automate the data cleansing process in your business to a great extent. Outsource BigData is a trusted name in data collection and management services. We offer world-class tools with the potential of hyperautomation for data collection and cleansing.

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Jyothish Chief Data Officer

Jyothish - Chief Data Officer

A visionary operations leader with over 14+ years of diverse industry experience in managing projects and teams across IT, automobile, aviation, and semiconductor product companies. Passionate about driving innovation and fostering collaborative teamwork and helping others achieve their goals.

Certified scuba diver, avid biker, and globe-trotter, he finds inspiration in exploring new horizons both in work and life. Through his impactful writing, he continues to inspire.

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