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Automation-Driven Data Cleansing: 5
Features To Look For In A Data Cleansing Tool

Author : Jyothish
AIMLEAP Automation Works Startups | Digital | Innovation | Transformation
Automation-Driven Data Cleansing: 5 Features To Look For In A Data Cleansing Tool

Author : Jyothish

AIMLEAP Automation Works Startups | Digital | Innovation | Transformation

Since data has become the fuel of machine learning and artificial intelligence, most businesses have become data-intensive. While most data providers and tools can assist companies in obtaining data in large quantities, they do not assure data quality. Therefore, organizations must realize the importance of data cleansing to eradicate errors in datasets. Leveraging the expertise of data cleansing companies is the best way to remove and fix corrupt, poorly formatted, inaccurate, erroneous, duplicate, and incomplete data points within datasets. 

Even the most sophisticated algorithms are beaten by high-quality data. You will get misleading results without clean data, jeopardizing your decision-making processes.  

According to Gartner’s research, Measuring the Business Value of Data Quality, 40% of companies fail to meet their goals due to poor data quality.  

So, it has become a necessity to have a solid data management strategy.

While deleting unnecessary data is vital, the ultimate purpose of data cleansing is to make data as accurate as possible. With this process, you can make datasets as accurate as possible. It helps correct spelling and syntax errors, identifies and deletes duplicate data points, and fills mislabeled or empty fields.

Importance Of Data Cleansing

According to a Gartner report, companies believe that poor data costs them roughly $13 million yearly. More importantly, the research company discovered that 60% of organizations do not know how much incorrect data costs them since they do not track the effect.  

It is believed that when it comes to data, your insights and analyses are only as good as the data you use, which directly means junk data equals rubbish analysis. Data cleaning, also known as data cleansing and scrubbing, is critical for your business if you want to foster a culture of quality data decision-making.  

The datasets are more likely to be erroneous, disorganized, and incomplete if it is not cleaned beforehand. As a result, data analysis will be more difficult, unclear, and inaccurate – so will the decision based on that data analysis. To avoid the effects of poor data on your business, cleanse datasets as soon as you collect them. Not only will this reduce mistakes, but it will also reduce your staff’s frustration, boost productivity, and improve data analysis and decision-making.

How To Cleanse Data?

Data cleansing is the process of preparing data for analysis by weeding out extraneous or erroneous information. Going through zillions of data points manually for cleansing is a time taking and error-prone process. So, data cleaning technologies are crucial in making data ready for usage.  

Data cleansing tools improve the quality, applicability, and value of your data by eliminating errors, reducing inconsistencies, and removing duplicates. This allows organizations to trust their data, make sound decisions, and provide better customer experiences. Data cleaning tools, also known as data scrubbing or data cleaning tools, find and eliminate incorrect or unnecessary data points and make the database precise for analysis. Employing automation to cleanse your data means that your talented resources can focus on what they do best while the tool takes care of the rest. 

Many data cleansing service providers globally offer hassle-free data cleansing services to those who don’t have the time or resources to use a tool for making datasets relevant for quick and precise analysis. Choosing a tool is always a more cost-effective and hassle-free option for data cleansing. With a data cleaning tool, things that can be easily removed from datasets to make them more relevant for analysis are – 

  • Missing fields  
  • Outdated information  
  • Data entered in the wrong field  
  • Duplicate entries 
  • Misspellings, typing errors, spelling variations 
  • And other flaws

What Features To Look For When Choosing The Best Data Cleansing Tool?

If you don’t trust the data used in your daily work, it’s high time you start cleaning it using a cutting-edge tool with the power of AI.  

An AI-powered tool delivers a whole host of specific benefits. It provides better quality data that is accurate, valid, properly formatted, and complete in a timely manner. Even top data cleansing companies today employ data cleansers to weed out erroneous, unstructured data from the datasets.  

But the question is, what features to look for when finding the right tool to get the work done? Here is the list of the top 7 features that the best data cleansing software must have.

Features Of Best Data Cleansing Tool

1. Data Profiling

Data profiling is the process of evaluating, analyzing, and synthesizing data into meaningful summaries. The approach produces a high-level overview that can be used to identify data quality concerns, hazards, and general trends. It translates numbers into terms and generates key insights that ordinary people can understand and may subsequently use to their advantage. Charts. Trends. Statistics. Data profiling allows for the creation of bird’s-eye summaries of tabular files. It gives extensive information and descriptive statistics for each dataset variable.  Data profiling and cleansing features, which can automate metadata identification and provide clear visibility into the source data to detect any anomalies, should be included in an end-to-end data cleansing solution.

2. Excellent Connectivity

A data cleansing tool should handle standard source data formats and destination data structures, such as XML, JSON, and EDI. Thanks to connectivity to popular destination formats, you can export clean data to various destinations, including Oracle, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, and BI applications like Tableau and PowerBI. So, choose the best data cleansing software that offers excellent connectivity. This will help your company to gain faster access to high-quality data for rapid decision-making. Being data-driven in today’s world has become necessary since it helps businesses to be profitable. 

The data-driven company is not only 23 times more likely to attract consumers, but they are also six times more likely to retain customers and 19 times more likely to be profitable, states McKinsey Global Institute.

3. Data Mapping

The best data cleansing software should have a data mapping feature since it bridges the gap between two systems or data models so that when data is transported from one location to another, it is accurate and usable at the same time. Each of the best data cleansing companies uses easy data mapping tools. The usability of a data cleansing tool is improved by the data mapping feature. It’s critical to correctly map or match data from source to transformation and then to the destination to ensure that your data is cleansed accurately. Such functionality can be supported by tools with a code-free, drag-and-drop graphical user interface. Always check the data mapping features when you choose the data cleansing tool.

4. Quality Checks

47% of new data collected by companies has one or more critical mistakes. 

When collected data fails to match the company’s standards for accuracy, validity, completeness, and consistency, it can seriously affect customer service, staff productivity, and critical strategy-making. Data used for business purposes should have accuracy, completeness, reasonability, timeliness, uniqueness/deduplication, validity, and accessibility. So when you choose the data cleansing tool, make sure it offers advanced profiling and cleansing capabilities along with data transformation functionality. Many data cleansing companies and data cleansing service providers use such advanced data cleaning tools to deliver accurate data for business intelligence.

5. Friendly Interface

Choose a data cleansing tool that has a highly intuitive and friendly user interface. It should be easy to use and yet powerful to handle large-scale data cleaning. An ideal data cleansing tool should be used by anyone, not just IT people.  When you use a data cleansing tool with a friendly user interface, you don’t need any expertise or expert IT professionals to operate it. The data cleansing process also becomes super fast with the best data cleansing software having a simple and friendly UI.

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5 Benefits Of Automating The Data Cleansing Process For Your Company

According to Kissmetrics, companies might lose up to 20% of their revenue due to poor data quality. 

Cleansing data and making it usable has become a necessity today. Data cleansing is frequently a task of data scientists and business analysts, whether they are new to the field or have been doing it for years. It isn’t the most enjoyable aspect of the work, but ensuring that your data is useful and accurate in the long run is required.  

If data errors and the process of their eradication creeps you out, it’s best to put data cleansing on auto-pilot mode. Automation eliminates the need to manually search through each data piece to identify problems. Automating the data cleansing process has some unexpected benefits that only data cleansing companies have considered. And it’s time for you to automate your data cleansing process and enjoy its benefits like –

Benefits Of Data Cleansing Process

1. Increased Productivity

78% of business leaders agree that automating workplace tasks boosts all stakeholders’ productivity

Automation impacts your business operations and workflow in a positive way. Discussing data cleansing automation, it eliminates the need to manually comb through data pieces to identify errors, duplicates, and other flaws. Instead of spending hours manually altering data or doing it in Excel, use data cleansing tools. They will perform the heavy lifting for you. More and more datasets will be cleansed when you put the process on autopilot mode.

2. Saved Time

Imagine yourself cleaning datasets one by one. Isn’t it scary? If you clean every piece of data one by one from your large datasets, it is going to take an eternity.  

According to MIT Sloan research, employees squander over half of their time doing mundane data quality activities.  

Automating the process saves you a lot of time which you can simply use on other important tasks.  The most significant benefit of automation is the ability to do repeated tasks fast and without mistakes. You’ll save not only a lot of time but also eliminate time-consuming tasks like exporting and importing tables to keep your system up to date.

3. Reduced Cost

Automating data cleansing reduces the need for a specialist data cleansing team. There is no need to spend excessive money on training staff and providing them with a well-equipped working space. 

74% of surveyed marketers believe that business owners and marketers use automation to save time and money. 

With a little guidance, a non-tech person can easily use a data cleansing tool. You are going to reduce the cost of data cleansing by introducing automation.

4. Improved Accuracy

Accurate data is critical to the success of any business and project. However, checking for data accuracy manually can be difficult and time-consuming. That is why automation is so beneficial. You’ll never have to worry about manually checking for mistakes or dealing with the intricacies of your database again with automated data management.

5. Improved Focus On Core Tasks

The data cleansing process can be effectively automated using a cutting-edge tool. Users get more time to focus on strategic business-related core activities, while automation software takes care of repetitive tasks.  

In fact, 85% of business leaders believe that automation improves their focus on strategic goals. 

Manual data cleansing is a time-consuming and tedious procedure that might take days to complete. That is why it is critical to automate it. While maintaining data quality is a problem for every new organization, you can avoid being lost at sea with the correct data cleansing methods and technologies.   

If you don’t have time to clean the datasets, even using a tool, you can simply choose a data cleansing company. Many data cleansing service providers outsource data cleansing services to their customers and make their valuable datasets error-free and ready to use for instant analysis. They reduce the hassle of finding an ideal tool for data cleansing.

Choose A Team, Not Just A Tool

When you’re searching for a solution to clean up your entire data system, you’re looking for more than simply a tool. You’re looking for an expert team to help you solve your data problems. Why? Because cleaning big data systems requires more than merely comparing rows and columns to find problems. It is a business practice that necessitates a full grasp of your company’s surroundings, difficulties, and data objectives. Only an expert team capable of doing everything can help you get the most out of the tool. 

One of the best data cleansing companies that you can choose for adding accuracy to your datasets is Outsource BigData. We have trained professionals to provide cutting-edge data cleansing services to customers having large-scale databases. Along with data management, collection, and cleansing services, we offer our customers round-the-clock IT support.

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Jyothish Chief Data Officer

Jyothish - Chief Data Officer

A visionary operations leader with over 14+ years of diverse industry experience in managing projects and teams across IT, automobile, aviation, and semiconductor product companies. Passionate about driving innovation and fostering collaborative teamwork and helping others achieve their goals.

Certified scuba diver, avid biker, and globe-trotter, he finds inspiration in exploring new horizons both in work and life. Through his impactful writing, he continues to inspire.

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